Artist Statement
As an artist, I am deeply committed to expressing my passion for all things creative. My classical training provided hands-on experience with a wide range of mediums, from photography to sculpture. While painting is my primary focus, I confidently explore various mediums and styles in my work. I believe that a true artist can create in any form, and this philosophy has made it impossible to confine my work to a single style. Though this can sometimes challenge galleries looking to categorize artists, it allows my work to reflect a broad spectrum of creative possibilities.
For me, art is a journey of creative problem-solving and self-discovery—an ever-evolving process that keeps me excited and inspired. My creative endeavors are life-affirming expressions of the human experience, and after many years, I remain as passionate about art as I was at the beginning of my journey. I’m constantly pushing myself to grow and develop new skills, always looking for ways to innovate and refine my practice.
I consider myself a process artist, which means my focus is always on the act of creation rather than the finished product. Whether I’m painting representational landscapes, plein-air works, abstract pieces, or free-association non-representational art, it’s the process that matters most to me. I find immense joy in the creative journey, and I see the final product as a natural result of that effort.
Oil painting is my preferred medium, as I love the physicality of applying paint and the expressive gestures it allows. I also believe creativity is meant to be shared—not only through the sale of art but also through the collaborative experience of making and discussing it. I’ve found that whether I’m a student or a teacher, sharing ideas and engaging with others is vital to the creative process.
For me, a piece of art isn’t complete until it connects with a viewer. The interaction between the spectator and the work fulfills its purpose, creating a shared moment that brings the artistic experience full circle.